Guide to reading the lessons
Each lesson in the Wave of Plastic unit consists of four parts:
1. Introduction: Students explore resources and engage in discussion to help build the foundational understandings that will support the lesson.
2. Investigation:
Students explore resources, engage in discussion, participate in investigations and activities in order to make sense of Core Ideas, Crosscutting Concepts, and Practices.
3. Application:
Students apply the understandings that they’ve constructed throughout the current and previous Wave of Plastic lessons through collaborative, informed actions designed to address aspects of problems related to plastic waste.
4. Assessment:
Students complete a constructed response based on the Claim, Evidence, Reasoning (CER) model to demonstrate their understandings of the NGSS core ideas, crosscutting concepts, and practices as a result of their participation in the lesson. A scoring rubric is included in each Teacher/Facilitator Guide as well as in the Student Workbooks, however teachers are invited to use the scoring system that best meets the needs of their students, school, and district.
*Each lesson begins with the NGSS Performance Expectations, the Key Ideas that are most relevant for the lesson, and a chart that describes each of the four parts of the lesson and lists the activities in which students will engage.