
Russell Hill appointed director of Institute of Marine and Environmental Technology

August 16, 2012
Russell Hill has been appointed director of the Institute of Marine and Environmental Technology (IMET).

Maryland and Delaware partnership will bring teachers and scientists together on topic of climate change

August 16, 2012
A $5.8 million cooperative agreement supports implementation of the Maryland-Delaware Climate Change Education, Assessment, and Research (MADE CLEAR) partnership, an effort to forge new ways to deliver effective and relevant climate change education that could serve as a national model.

"Spat Dash" race at Horn Point Laboratory benefits environmental education

August 6, 2012
Probably only a marine science lab would sponsor a “Spat Dash” race. The marine lab is the Horn Point Laboratory Laboratory, part of the University of Maryland Center for Environmental Science in Cambridge, Maryland and home of the largest oyster hatchery on the East Coast.

Autonomous underwater research robot comes to University of Maryland Center for Environmental Science

July 17, 2012
A new high-tech marine exploration tool will soon help oceanographers advance the study of coastal ocean environments.

NOAA Scholarship awarded to Jan Vicente to study the impact of ocean acidification on marine sponges

June 12, 2012
The world's corals are at risk of disintegrating thanks to increasingly acidic ocean waters, but what about the sponges? Graduate student Jan Vicente at the Institute of Marine and Environmental Technology has been awarded the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration's prestigious Dr. Nancy Foster Scholarship to find out.
