
Through Rain and Cold, the Monitoring Must Go On

October 13, 2015
To study restored streams in Anne Arundel County, Filoso went driving by day and sometimes by night, in summer and in winter. Every two weeks, in daylight, she collected water samples from the streams for chemical analyses.

PAST: Potomac & Atlantic Striped Bass Telemetry

October 13, 2015
CBL Professor Dr. David Secor is tracking the migration patterns of the Chesapeake’s most popular fish to catch and eat: the striped bass.

Congratulations to CBL's Newest Graduate!

October 13, 2015
Hailing from Peoria, AZ, Andrea Sylvia came to the Chesapeake Biological Laboratory in January 2013 to pursue her Masters degree through the Marine-Estuarine-Environmental Sciences (MEES) Graduate Program. Having successfully defended her thesis on April 9, 2015, Andrea is now the Chesapeake Biological Laboratory’s newest graduate!

CBL scientist tracks jellyfish population in Chesapeake Bay

October 13, 2015
In 1960, CBL Research Associate David Cargo started a daily routine of strolling down the CBL research pier and recording the number of jellyfish he could see in the water. Today, CBL Assistant Professor Dr. Hongsheng Bi and his students are continuing the same method — and are working on a new jellyfish-counting method as well.

Studying Sturgeon: Preserving the Ghosts of Chesapeake Past

October 12, 2015
CBL Professor Dr. David Secor is co-leading the Chesapeake Sturgeon Initiative, a project that seeks to discover what a fish that swam with dinosaurs and fed Jamestown colonists needs to survive in the Chesapeake Bay today.
