Welcome to CBL’s New Students!

October 13, 2015
CBL's new class for the 2015/2016 year.

The start of the 2015/2016 school year has brought six new students to the Chesapeake Biological Laboratory.  From left to right in the photo below, our new students include:

Kevin Kahover - M.S. student with Dr. Jeremy Testa and Dr. Lora Harris who will be working on nutrient dynamics in shallow coastal waters using the Chesapeake Bay as a model system

Agraj Khare - Ph.D. student with Dr. Hali Kilbourne and Dr. Johan Schijf who will be working on determining the reliability of using the ratio of strontium to calcium in fossil corals to reconstruct the environmental temperature when the coral was alive

Reed Brodnik - Ph.D. student with Dr. Tom Miller who will be working on black sea bass in the mid-Atlantic Bight

Chris Heyes  - PhD student with Dr. Lisa Wainger who will be working on oyster bioeconomics for an NSF-funded program that is engaging local stakeholders in developing a vision for the future of the oyster fishery in Chesapeake Bay

Hadley McIntosh - Ph.D. student with Dr. Laura Lapham who will be working on methane cycling in Arctic lakes

Jacob Oster - M.S. student with Dr. Laura Lapham and Dr. Andrew Heyes who will be working on the mercury levels in fish throughout Maryland's streams and rivers.