Press Releases

IMET Fall into Science lecture series

October 10, 2019
The Institute of Marine and Environmental Technology at the Inner Harbor is hosting a Fall into Science lecture series on first Tuesdays this fall covering topics from biodiversity in the bay to climate change.

$5 million awarded to multi-institution team to understand red tide in Florida

September 19, 2019
Maryland researchers will apply lessons learned about harmful algal blooms in Chesapeake Bay to help understand red tide in Gulf of Mexico

Study tackles new angle on crop trading in China

September 5, 2019
Feeding the world's growing population is one of the great challenges of the 21st century, particularly in China, which has nearly a quarter of the world's population but a fraction of the cropland. A recent study looks at both the socioeconomic and environmental impacts of crop trading in China for the first time.

Summer internship program aims to deepen diversity in marine science

August 28, 2019
Each summer, the Institute of Marine and Environmental Technology offers undergraduates the opportunity to conduct a research project in marine sciences to support increased diversity in STEM fields.

Eric Davidson named American Geophysical Union Fellow

August 16, 2019
University of Maryland Center for Environmental Science Professor Eric Davidson has been named a 2019 Fellow of the American Geophysical Union (AGU).
