UMCES scientists complete study on Conowingo Dam and impact on Chesapeake Bay

November 11, 2019
UMCES scientists have completed a study to understand the potential impacts of nutrient pollution associated with sediment transported from behind the Conowingo Dam to the Chesapeake Bay.

Stuart Clarke named Vice President for Strategic Initiatives

October 30, 2019
The University of Maryland Center for Environmental Science (UMCES) announces the hiring of Stuart Clarke as its new Vice President for Strategic Initiatives.

NSF award supports island students in marine science careers

October 10, 2019
NSF award supports new effort to engage underrepresented island students in marine and environmental sciences

Study tackles new angle on crop trading in China

September 5, 2019
Feeding the world's growing population is one of the great challenges of the 21st century, particularly in China, which has nearly a quarter of the world's population but a fraction of the cropland. A recent study looks at both the socioeconomic and environmental impacts of crop trading in China for the first time.

Science at Sea

I was just 55 miles from the nearest land, but it felt as though it could have been hundreds of miles away. The opportunity to join 15 scientists for six days off the coast of Bermuda gave me a great perspective on how important the world’s oceans are to our planet.
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Eric Davidson named American Geophysical Union Fellow

August 16, 2019
University of Maryland Center for Environmental Science Professor Eric Davidson has been named a 2019 Fellow of the American Geophysical Union (AGU).  

Warmer winters could lead to longer blue crab season in Chesapeake Bay

July 30, 2019
Scientists from the University of Maryland Center for Environmental Science are predicting that warmer winters in the Chesapeake Bay will likely lead to longer and more productive seasons for Maryland’s favorite summer crustacean, the blue crab.

Research cruise explores deep Atlantic Ocean and marine carbon cycle

August 1, 2019
A University of Maryland Center for Environmental Science research cruise leaves for the deep Atlantic Ocean 50 miles southeast of Bermuda on Monday for a week of science at sea. Scientists will be sampling the depths of the ocean and analyzing bacterial diversity and function to better understand the marine carbon cycle in the ocean.

Restoring streams

Streams are complex ecosystems. Researcher Bob Hilderbrand is looking at whether the costly restoration of degraded streams in Maryland is effective, or even possible.
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Sea slugs use algae’s bacterial ‘weapons factory’ in three-way symbiotic relationship

July 1, 2019
New research published in Science finds that sea slugs use algae’s bacterial ‘weapons factory’ in a three-way symbiotic relationship.


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