What is a CFDA number?
The Catalog of Federal Domestic Assistance (CFDA) is a government-wide compendium of Federal programs, projects, services, and activities that provide assistance or benefits to the American public. It contains financial and non-financial assistance programs administered by departments and establishments of the Federal government. Each program is assigned a unique number by agency and program that follows the program throughout the assistance lifecycle enabling data and funding transparency. The complete CFDA number is a five digit number, XX.XXX, where the first two digits represent the Funding Agency and the second three digits represent the program.
Why are they important?
Under 2 CFR 200 (Uniform Guidance), UMCES is required to report the correct CFDA numbers for all federal and federal flow through awards it receives. CFDA numbers are critical data points for complying with UMCES' annual reporting requirements, including the Schedule of Expenditures of Federal Awards (SEFA) report, the NSF Higher Education Research & Development (HERD) survey, and the single audit.
Common Agency CFDA Numbers
CFDA | Agency |
10.XXX | US Department of Agriculture |
11.XXX | US Department of Commerce |
12.XXX | US Department of Defense |
14.XXX | Housing & Urban Development |
15.XXX | US Department of the Interior |
16.XXX | US Department of Justice |
17.XXX | US Department of Labor |
19.XXX | US Department of State |
20.XXX | US Department of Transportation |
43.XXX | National Aeronautics & Space Administration |
45.XXX | National Endowment for the Arts & Humanities |
47.XXX | National Science Foundation |
59.XXX | Small Business Administration |
66.XXX | Environmental Protection Agency |
77.XXX | Nuclear Regulatory Commission |
81.XXX | US Department of Energy |
84.XXX | US Department of Education |
93.XXX | US Department of Health & Human Services |
97.XXX | US Department of Homeland Security |
98.XXX | Agency for International Development |
99.000 | Central Intelligence Agency |
99.001 | Department of Veterans Affairs |
99.002 | United States International Trade Commission |
99.003 | Vietnam Education Foundation |