May 23, 2019
Kelly Pearce, Robert Sabo, and Annie Carew at 2019 UMCES Commencement.
Four students completed studies at the Appalachian Laboratory this academic year, receiving degrees from the University of Maryland Center for Environmental Science through either the University System of Maryland's Marine Estuarine Environmental Sciences program or Frostburg State University's Masters in Biology/Applied Ecology and Conservation Biology program.
Anne Carew, Kelly Pearce, and Robert Sabo, pictured right, participated in commencement exercises at the Chesapeake Biological Laboratory in Solomons, Maryland on Thursday, May 23, 2019.
Kelly Pearce
Marine Estuarine Environmental Sciences/Ecology
Dissertation: The influence of the river otter (Lontra canadensis) on aquatic conservation in the Greater Yellowstone ecosystem: A socio-ecological approach to evaluating conservation flagships
Advisor: Dr. Cathlyn Stylinksi (Thomas Serfass co-advisor)
Robert Sabo
Marine Estuarine Environmental Sciences/Environmental Science
Dissertation: Shifting inputs and transformations of nitrogen in forested and mixed land use basins: Implications for hydrologic nitrogen loss
Advisor: Dr. Keith Eshleman
Caitlin Campbell (not pictured)
Frostburg State University Masters in Biology/Applied Ecology and Conservation Biology
Thesis: Refining assessment of the geographic origins of animals inferred from stable isotope data
Advisor: Dr. David Nelson
Anne Carew
Marine Estuarine Environmental Sciences/Environmental Science
Thesis: Turion size advantage in the restoration of Vallisneria americana: The importance of genetic identity and diversity
Advisor: Dr. Katia Engelhardt