Appalachian Laboratory

UMCES in the News

New paper by Cohen and DeSimone in the news

Dr. Emily Cohen (left) and Dr. Joely DeSimone (right) of the Animal Migration Research Group at the Appalachian Laboratory of the University of Maryland Center for Environmental Science (UMCES)
A recent paper led by UMCES Appalachian Laboratory Associate Professor Dr. Emily Cohen and Assistant Research Scientist Dr. Joely DeSimone focusing on social interactions between migrating birds at stopover locations has been featured by a number of news outlets. Use the links below to read more about this potentially landmark study in animal migration research. 

Fitzpatrick interviewed by Scripps News

On Earth Day 2024 (April 22), Dr. Matt Fitzpatrick, Professor and Associate Director for Research at the UMCES-Appalachian Laboratory, discussed future of climates with Scripps News reporter, Laura Magarino.

Nemes interviewed by Audubon

Dr. Claire Nemes, Appalachian Laboratory alum and current postdoctoral researcher, was recently interviewed as part of a story on domestic cats and the need to keep them indoors. Read the full story here.   

Appalachian Laboratory Featured in Allegany County Blog

The Allegany County Economic Development Blog recently featured the Appalachian Laboratory, and its sixty (60) year history in the county. The blog post discusses the importance of the Lab's research and academic programs within the local economy.


Cohen comments on recent UN migration research

Dr. Emily Cohen was recently asked to comment on new UN migration research by the PBS Newshour and a new fashion-climate-lifestyle publication called Atmos.

Appalachian Laboratory Director Dr. Dave Nelson featured guest on Tri-State Today

Dr. Dave Nelson, Professor and Director, Appalachian Laboratory

Appalachian Laboratory Director Dr. Dave Nelson was recently featured as a guest on the Tri-State Today radio program with Amanda Mangan. Nelson discussed the work of the Laboratory, as well as some of the Laboratory's continuing community engagement activities.

Cohen featured in recent Audubon and Chesapeake Bay Magazine articles

Dr. Emily Cohen, Assistant Professor, UMCES-Appalachian Laboratory, has recently been featured in an Audubon article on the use of technology in the study of noctural bird migration features, as well as a Chesapeake Bay Magazine article on early springs in the Chesapeake Bay region. 



Eric Davidson reviews recent study in latest issue of Nature

UMCES Professor, Eric Davidson.

Nature recently invited Appalachian Laboratory Director Eric Davidson to review a new study on the impact of soil warming on carbon dioxide emissions in tropical forests.  Davidson's review, "Carbon dioxide loss from tropical soils increases on warming," appears in the August 2020 edition of Nature

A New York Times follow up article can be read here.   


Matt Fitzpatrick Communicates Climate Change

Appalachian Laboratory scientist Dr. Matt Fitzpatrick recently partnered with National Geographic to expand his interactive web application, which illustrates how climate in identified cities will change by 2070,  to include additional cities across the globe.  The Urban Future Climates map enables visitors to visualize the climate in their cities in 2070 by matching those cities to locations that experience similar climates today.   Read more in the April 2020 edition of National Geographic (subscription required).  

Fitzpatrick has also appeared on NPR's Here and Now to discuss his climate study and interactive web application. His work has also been featured in the Washington Post, the Atlantic, the Smithsonian Magazine, Science Friday, Newsweek, and the Boston Globeamong others. To listen to Dr. Fitzpatrick's interview with Here and Now's Robin Young click the "more" link below. 


Bob Hilderbrand featured in Baltimore Sun article

Appalachian Laboratory Associate Professor Bob Hilderbrand, and his UMCES colleague Solange Filoso, were recently interviewed for an article in the Baltimore Sun on stream restoration in Maryland. Use the link below to read the article from January 2020. 


Fires in the Amazon and Australia

Photo by Pixabay from Pexels

Recent news stories on fires in the Amazon and in Australia have included interviews with UMCES-AL Professor Mark Cochrane.  Cochrane, an expert on wildfire,  documents the characteristics, behavior and severe effects of fire in tropical and temperate forests that are inherent to current systems of human land-use and management.  Read more using the links below. 

New York Times- August 24, 2019 

Earth and Space News- January 23, 2020 

John Hoogland featured in Popular Science

UMCES-Appalachian Laboratory Professor John Hoogland, a behavioral ecologist who has studied prairie dogs for 45 years, was recently featured in a Popular Science article on changing attitudes toward this keystone species in western states .  Read more by using the link below. 


Ancient fossil pollen offers clues to climate change 

Scientists are hoping to unlock the mysteries of climate change by studying pollen thousands of years old. Go into the field in western Maryland with Appalachian Laboratory scientists Matt Fitzpatrick and Dave Nelson in this WBAL-TV segment to learn more. 


Scientists work with farmers on best management practices to reduce pollution on Eastern Shore

A team of researchers from the University of Maryland Center for Environmental Science is trying to find out how best management practices deployed on farms in Caroline County can limit pollutants in the Chesapeake Bay. This segment of Maryland Farm and Harvest on Maryland Public Television features interviews with Eric Davidson and Jake Hagedorn from the Appalachian Laboratory.



Earth Ablaze: Mark Cochrane co-authors New York Times Opinion on wildfires

Communities throughout the world face an increased threat from wildfires due to a combination of factors attributed to environmental change and human behavior. In "The Earth Ablaze," a recent piece for the New York Times Opinion section, Appalachian Laboratory faculty member Mark Cochrane and co-authors, Don Melnick (professor of biology at Columbia University) and Mary Pearl (biologist and dean of the Macaulay Honors College at the City University of New York) explore why these fires have become more intense and widespread in recent years and why the trend will likely worsen if action is not taken. 

"The widespread fires this year have magnified concerns that we are locked in a worldwide pattern of conflagration that is both persistent and catastrophic." 


Flockhart featured in recent New York Times article

UMCES-Appalachian Laboratory adjunct professor Tyler Flockhart was recently interviewed by the New York Times for an article about an upcoming project designed to measure the cat population in Washington, D.C.  Findings from this project will be used to inform the city's management practices for feral cats.


Matt Fitzpatrick talks ancient pollen on WYPR's "On the Record"

Matt Fitzpatrick was a recent guest on WYPR's On the Record, where he discussed the connections between ancient pollen and environmental change.   

Listen to his full interview on the WYPR site hereand read more about research related to fossil pollen here.


Appalachian Laboratory Director Eric Davidson featured on WFWM "Community Matters"

University of Maryland Center for Environmental Science-Appalachian Laboratory Director Eric Davidson was the featured guest on WFWM Public Radio's "Community Matters." During the interview, he discusses the UMCES' mission and the Appalachian Laboratory's research and community outreach programs.