
SHORES: Strengthening Habitats with Oysters on Retrofitted & Engineered Structures

February 26-27, 2025


A virtual symposium with presentations and panel discussions, SHORES: Strengthening Habitats with Oysters on Retrofitted & Engineered Structures, will bring together the latest knowledge and practices for using alternative substrates and oysters in the nearshore. This symposium will focus on the inclusion of oysters on existing grey infrastructure and the potential for oysters to enhance the longevity of these structures. In addition, this session will glean information about engineered living shorelines and the role oysters can play in these projects. Talks will address the variety of ecosystem services that accompany oyster integration including shoreline stabilization, habitat formation, and water quality enhancement. 


Download the program booklet
This two-day virtual symposium will convene for four hours each day. Times are Eastern Standard time. If there is enough interest, a virtual poster session will be held during the two-day symposium.  

Wednesday, February 26, 2025 

Retrofitting Existing Infrastructure 

10 a.m. - noon - Presentations 

Noon - 12:45 p.m. - Chat and Chew/Poster Breakouts 

12:45 - 2 p.m. - Capstone panel discussion 

Thursday, February 27, 2025 

Building Engineered Living Shorelines 

10:00 a.m. - noon - Presentations 

Noon - 12:45 p.m. - Chat and Chew/Poster Breakouts 

12:45 - 2 p.m. - Capstone panel discussion 


This symposium is part of an effort to fill key knowledge gaps in support of Maryland’s oyster resource and oyster industries. Chesapeake Bay is home to thriving commercial fishing and aquaculture industries and one of the largest oyster restoration efforts in North America. The lack of fresh shell substrate has become a major impediment to all of these activities and alternatives are being considered for large-scale use in restoration and industry efforts. To address this challenge, the Maryland General Assembly mandated a program (SB830 2023) that will evaluate: 

  1. Types of substrate, including fresh shell, fossilized shell, combinations of shell, and alternative substrates, that are most appropriate for use in oyster harvest areas
  2. Benefits, including habitat-related benefits, of using stones of various sizes in oyster restoration areas 
  3. Alternative substrates used for oyster restoration or repletion in other regions, including the success of efforts to use alternative substrates 
  4. Potential for retrofitting existing structures, such as riprap revetments, that are unrelated to oyster restoration but that use materials similar to artificial reefs, to include oyster plantings 
  5. Effect of spat size upon deployment on oyster abundance. 

This symposium directly addresses topic #4: Potential for retrofitting existing structures, such as riprap revetments, that are unrelated to oyster restoration but that use materials similar to artificial reefs, to include oyster plantings. In 2024, the Symposium for Alternative Substrates for Oysters (SASSO) addressed topic #3: Alternative substrates used for oyster restoration or repletion in other regions, including the success of efforts to use alternative substrates. More information on the SB830 Research Program can be found here.