Horn Point Laboratory

Cell Analysis Center

Equipment | Resources | Gallery 


Welcome to the Cell Analysis Center! Here, we use optics to study aquatic microorganisms using microscopy (fluorescence and phase contrast) and flow cytometry. Research conducted at the CAC focuses on the study of aquatic algaes, planktonic species, bacteria and archaea, to constrain their respective roles in nutrient cycling and global ecology. The equipment here are also used for various fluoresence in situ hybridization (FISH) technique.

To borrow the BD Accuri C6 Flow Cytometer or the Zeiss AxioVert Inverted Microscope for field work, send an email to smalkin@umces.edu to gain calendar access.  Once access is granted you can input your own request dates, as long as they are available.


General Contact
Sairah Malkin
Greg Silsbe