
Next Generation: Amber Fandel on tracking the movement of marine mammals

January 24, 2022
"Understanding these behaviors and movements are important because it will help us manage, and hopefully protect them from, potential disturbances in the future."

Next Generation: Fisheries research with Ben Frey

January 18, 2022
After working on a new way to the determine the age of fish, graduate student Ben Frey begins a Knauss Fellowship in NOAA’s National Ocean Services’ Marine Debris Program.

Cutting mercury inputs to lakes quickly reduces mercury in the fish we eat, say scientists

December 15, 2021
During the study conducted over 15 years, scientists from the U.S. and Canada intentionally added a traceable form of mercury to a small remote research lake and its watershed. They discovered that the new mercury they added quickly built up in fish populations, and then declined almost as quickly once they stopped the additions.

Maryland draws on UMCES expertise on ocean acidification

September 27, 2021
In 2020, the Maryland Department of Environment recruited Dr. Jeremy Testa to be on a small team tasked with developing the State’s action plan for combatting one of the lesser-known impacts of climate change: Coastal and ocean acidification.

Climate change in focus in online community learning series

September 23, 2021
Leading experts on climate change and its impacts will be featured in the Science for Communities webinar series hosted by UMCES' Chesapeake Biological Laboratory this fall.
