
WhaleWatch: Predicting Movements, Reducing Harm

October 12, 2015
CBL Research Assistant Professor Dr. Helen Bailey is developing a system that predicts the whereabouts of whales off the West Coast. Although commercial whaling has ended, many whale species have been slow to increase in number. This project aims to help reduce harmful human impacts on whales.

Helping the Bay Breathe

October 12, 2015
Chesapeake Biological Laboratory Assistant Professor Dr. Jeremy Testa has completed modeling work that shows how nutrient loading affects oxygen levels in the Chesapeake Bay.

Is Plant-Based Fuel Worth the Cost in Brazil?

October 12, 2015
CBL Research Assistant Professor Dr. Solange Filoso is investigating these questions to help find the best fuel options for Brazil.

Nutrient Loading: Too Much of a Good Thing

October 12, 2015
CBL Professor Dr. Walter Boynton is directing an expansive study on the movement and impact of nutrients in the Chesapeake Bay and tributary rivers.

Going “In-Seine”: Counting Fish, Predicting Patterns

October 12, 2015
Since 1999, CBL Professor David Secor and his research team have conducted seine surveys off of the CBL research pier to measure seasonal variations in fish abundance and diversity in the Patuxent River.
