
Welcome to CBL’s New Students!

October 13, 2015
The start of the 2015/2016 school year has brought six new students to the Chesapeake Biological Laboratory.

Congratulations to CBL’s Newest Graduate!

October 13, 2015
Caroline Coulter, of Little Rock, AR, came to Chesapeake Biological Laboratory in August 2012 with a B.Sc. degree from UNC Chapel Hill, where she majored in chemistry. Caroline was awarded a 2-year CBL Graduate Education Committee Fellowship and entered the Marine Estuarine Environmental Sciences (MEES) program with a specialization in Environmental Chemistry.

A new way to WHALEWATCH

October 13, 2015
Despite the end of commercial whaling, many whale populations have been slow to increase in number, and one of the reasons for this is continued human-induced mortality. Human impacts including collisions with vessels, entanglement in fishing gear and exposure to underwater noise are major sources of disturbance, injury and mortality to large whales.

The Lost Years Project: Tracking Young Sea Turtles

October 13, 2015
CBL Research Assistant Professor Dr. Helen Bailey and her student Aimee Hoover are working with The Leatherback Trust on a project that investigates the migration of young leatherback sea turtles between when they leave their nesting beach as hatchlings and the time they reach maturity. This period is known as “the lost years” because even today, not much is known about where turtles travel during this time.

UMCES scientists win Best Paper of the Year award from American Fisheries Society

October 13, 2015
UMCES' Chesapeake Biological Laboratory (CBL) alumnus Adam Peer and CBL Director Dr. Tom Miller were recipients of the Best Paper of the Year 2014 awarded by the American Fisheries Society for its journal North American Journal of Fisheries Management.
