
New insights on why improvements to Chesapeake Bay remain a challenge

January 30, 2023
A new look at the history of water quality in the Chesapeake Bay sheds light on how the estuary has responded to nutrient reduction efforts and why improvements have remained a challenge.

Coastal adaptation workshop brings together experts from around the country

November 15, 2022
The two-day workshop brought together academic and management communities to synthesize recent progress in research on estuarine and coastal systems with a special focus on Chesapeake Bay. The workshop focused on the danger coastal communities face with climate change and finding the best solutions to deal with the effects they are seeing today and in the future.

Horn Point scientists track how microplastics move through the watershed

November 14, 2022
Scientists at the University of Maryland Center for Environmental Science’s Horn Point Laboratory have embarked on a research project that will lay the foundation for plastic research in the Chesapeake Bay. Thanks to a $30,000 matching grant from the Mid-Shore Community Foundation (MSCF) and a group of generous donors who met the match, a short-wave infrared (SWIR) microscope will be purchased that is a game-changer for the project.

Next Generation: Marshall Grossman

October 27, 2022
My research focus is ecological forecasting Vibrio vulnificus, and Vibrio cholerae, two organisms that are the leading causes of foodborne illness when consuming raw or undercooked seafood, within the Chesapeake Bay. This research gives insight into what shellfish aquaculture might expect for future shellfish harvests, the economic viability, and how harvest seasons might be affected, as well as the future state of the current locations where aquaculture is practiced.

Oceanographer Mike Sieracki joins UMCES as Horn Point Laboratory Director

October 24, 2022
Mike Sieracki has been selected as the new director of UMCES' Horn Point Laboratory, taking the helm from Mike Roman, who is stepping down after 20 years to continue his ocean research as a faculty member.
