
New gene-based ocean model suggests, for microbes, it’s not who you are but what you do

December 1, 2017
A new model simulates the impact of microbial activities on the chemistry in the North Atlantic and suggests that the evolution of a metabolic function rather than the evolution of an individual species shapes the ocean as we know it.

New grant will help plan for increase in toxic algal blooms

September 19, 2017
Researchers from the University of Maryland Center for Environmental Science’s Horn Point Laboratory have been awarded funding to develop a new model to better predict the long-term occurrences of dangerous and costly harmful algal blooms in the Chesapeake Bay.

UMCES glider on mission to assist hurricane forecasting

September 14, 2017
UMCES' glider launched off the coast of New Jersey on a month-long trip to collect data that's used to improve hurricane forecasting.

UMCES, Standard Solar break ground on 10-acre field at Cambridge campus

September 8, 2017
The University of Maryland Center for Environmental Science and Standard Solar marked the beginning of a partnership to bring sustainable energy to the Horn Point Laboratory campus with a groundbreaking ceremony.

Science in the First Person: Greg Silsbe on using drones to study water quality

September 5, 2017
Greg Silsbe is a biological oceanographer and research assistant professor at Horn Point Laboratory. Recently, he has been using drones to help better understand water quality in Chesapeake Bay.
