
UMCES graduates next generation of environmental science leaders

May 23, 2019
The University of Maryland Center for Environmental Science’s sixth annual Commencement ceremony was held on May 23 at the Chesapeake Biological Laboratory in Southern Maryland and featured Commencement speaker Professor Vicki Arroyo, Executive Director, Georgetown Climate Center.

Dorchester students lift off with drone technology

May 20, 2019
Dorchester County high school students get introduction to remote sensing at Horn Point Laboratory with Ph.D. student Anna Windle and ShoreRivers.

32 days on the Indian Ocean exploring climate change

May 13, 2019
UMCES professor and biological oceanographer Raleigh Hood will be among the 40 marine scientists and technicians from 18 institutions who will spend 32 days at sea on this second International Indian Ocean Expedition.

Professor Pat Glibert shares science with kids in 'Young Mind's journal

April 15, 2019
Horn Point Laboratory Professor Patricia Glibert can usually be found traveling the globe from the Chesapeake to China, studying issues related to nutrients and harmful algal blooms. In her latest project, she is sharing science with kids through a series of articles in Frontiers for Young Minds science journal.

UMCES Annual Report 2018

April 2, 2019
Find out how UMCES provides the science for policymakers to address the pressing environmental issues in our communities in our latest annual report.
