
Anne Gustafson honored with President’s Award for Outstanding Research Support

May 28, 2021
Senior Faculty Research Assistant Anne Gustafson has been given the President’s Award for Outstanding Research Support to recognize her long-term commitment to excellence, professional achievements and unfailing support of environmental research at the University of Maryland Center for Environmental Science’s Horn Point Laboratory.

Julianna Brush and Molly Pickel receive UMCES’ Staff Award

May 27, 2021
Julianna Brush and Molly Pickel were honored with UMCES' annual Staff Awards for their high level of commitment and dedication to UMCES,

Sophia Ahn awarded the 2021 Ryan Saba Memorial Student Fellowship

May 24, 2021
Sophia Ahn, PhD student, was selected by the Horn Point Laboratory’s Education Committee to be the 7th recipient of the Ryan Saba Memorial Student Fellowship. This annual award was established by Ryan’s family and friends to honor and remember him as an example of someone who strove to make each day better by applying one’s passion to science. Each Saba Fellow is selected for their plans to apply the fellowship award toward advancing their research and career.

NSF awards $1 million for coastal ocean research to understand the ecology at the interface of the Chesapeake Bay and Atlantic Ocean

April 16, 2021
The National Science Foundation has awarded $1 million to a team of researchers at the University of Maryland Center for Environmental Science to study how the nutrient plume of the nation’s largest estuary, the Chesapeake Bay, changes over the course of the year and what those changes mean for food webs and nutrient cycles in the coastal Atlantic Ocean.

A full-course meal for oyster larvae

April 1, 2021
Oyster larvae at University of Maryland Center for Environmental Science’s Horn Point Laboratory receive a gourmet selection of algae, both flagellates and diatoms, grown in house, to aid in their growth and survival in their early stages of life. Their specially curated diet by hatchery employees gives larvae the best possible chance at growing into its final oyster form and Horn Point’s Hatchery has it down to a science.
