
Next Generation: Chelsea Wegner on Shrinking Sea Ice

February 19, 2020
"My research is looking for signatures of ice algae contributions throughout the Bering and Chukchi Sea using unique sea ice biomarkers. I am measuring these biomarkers in sediments, benthic organism tissues, and in the diets of top Arctic predators, like the Pacific walrus, to serve as an indicator of sea ice loss impacting the structure of the Pacific Arctic food web."

Appalachian Laboratory to host event on wildfires

February 7, 2020
Dr. Deborah Landau, Conservation Ecologist with Maryland/DC Chapter of The Nature Conservancy, and Appalachian Laboratory fire ecologist Dr. Mark Cochrane will present "Wildfire in Appalachia: Fire history of the Central Appalachians and implications of a changing climate to our forests' health" as part of the Watershed Moments Community Learning Series.

Next Generation: Lauren Jonas on where nutrients are hiding in coral reefs

February 4, 2020
Lauren Jonas researches nutrients that support life on coral reefs to help us understand nutrient cycles in these biodiverse ecosystems.

UMCES-led coalition to study climate impact on bays, estuaries

January 29, 2020
UMCES has been awarded a $500,000 grant by the National Science Foundation (NSF) to lead a coalition of scientists from around the country to study the impact of storms, sea-level rise, and climate change on estuaries and bays.

Next Generation: Wenfei Ni

January 9, 2020
"My research focuses on the impacts of regional climate change and watershed nutrient management on Chesapeake Bay dead zones. With the state-of-the-art numerical model, I make projections of Chesapeake Bay oxygen depletion condition in the mid-21st century."
