
Science shows restoration efforts can improve local water quality in the Chesapeake Bay

March 4, 2014
A number of case studies show that “best management practices”—including upgrading wastewater treatment plants, lowering vehicle and power plant emissions, and reducing runoff from farmland—have lowered nutrients and sediment in local waterways.

Maryland Sea Grant Announces New Projects to Study Water Quality, Fisheries

February 19, 2014
Maryland Sea Grant has awarded grants to scientists at the University of Maryland Center for Environmental Science for studies that could help improve and sustain the Chesapeake Bay’s water quality and fisheries.

Scientists discover key hormone that makes it possible for female crabs to mate and care for their young

January 29, 2014
Those two crooked beady eyes peeking out of the shell do more than just help blue crabs spot food in the murky waters of the Chesapeake Bay.

Lessons learned restoring the Chesapeake will help leaders clean up Rio's Guanabara Bay

December 9, 2013
Maryland Governor Martin O'Malley signed an agreement with Rio de Janeiro Governor Sergio Cabral Filho to share best practices for keeping the Chesapeake Bay and Rio’s Guanabara Bay clean, healthy, and sustainable.

Multiple mates worth the risk for female prairie dogs

December 4, 2013
Mating with more than one male increases reproductive success for female prairie dogs, despite a greater risk of predation and increased exposure to diseases and parasites. So why would a female prairie dog take the risk? The answer is simple: female prairie dogs that mate with two or more males rear more offspring than those that mate with only one.
