Over the first two weeks of April, Horn Point Laboratory’s sub-unit of the Society for Women in Marine Science (SWMS) was invited to speak with students in science classes across a range of grades levels and subjects at Cambridge South Dorchester High School(CSDHS). These visits were arranged in conjunction with the Next Generation Scholars, a program led by the Maryland Business Roundtable for Education. CSDHS is located just 10 minutes away from Horn Point Lab, and students from both programs were glad to meet and Horn Point students share their research and life experiences. Ten Horn Point students visited 16 classes during this time and were greeted with a warm welcome by teachers and students, and many questions ranging from “did you think you would be where you are today when you were in high school?” to “what does it take to become a paleontologist?”. SWMS hopes to continue leading collaboration efforts within the community and connecting with the next generation of scholars.