
Next Generation: Christine Knauss

July 30, 2018
I am examining how plastic pollution is affecting oysters in the Chesapeake Bay. Specifically, I look at a category of small plastics called microplastics, which is anything less than 5 millimeters. My research focuses on how larval oysters are affected when they ingest these microplastics.

Flockhart Featured in Recent New York Times Article

July 23, 2018
UMCES-Appalachian Laboratory adjunct professor Tyler Flockhart was recently interviewed by the New York Times for an article about an upcoming project designed to measure the cat population in Washington DC.

Appalachian Laboratory internship helps kick off science career for young researcher

July 13, 2018
Pawling High School student Abigail Reid recently completed a research internship with Appalachian Laboratory scientist Dr. David Nelson, studying whether feathers singed at solar facilities can be used in isotopic analysis. Reid presented their findings at the joint meeting of the Association of Field Ornithological Society (AFO) and the Wilson Ornithological Society (WOS) in Chattanooga, Tennessee in June.

Next Generation: Suzi Spitzer

June 29, 2018
I am researching ways to improve collaborations between citizen scientists and professional scientists so these groups can more effectively work together to create new scientific knowledge that answers their respective research questions and fulfills both scientific and local needs.

Maryland Green Registry Award recognizes UMCES' leadership in sustainability

June 29, 2018
The University of Maryland Center for Environmental Science’s Sustainability and Facilities teams have won the Maryland Department of the Environment’s Maryland Green Registry Leadership Award for 2018. The award recognizes organizations that have shown a strong commitment to the implementation of sustainable practices, the demonstration of measurable results, and the continual improvement of environmental performance.
