
Next Generation: Dylan Taillie

August 28, 2019
"I am creating a species distribution model for a couple of different species of birds within and surrounding the C & O Canal National Park. My model is trying to understand how changes in forest configuration and land cover would affect the distribution of sensitive bird species. I hope to help inform resource managers on decisions regarding land protection and forest management."

Summer internship program aims to deepen diversity in marine science

August 28, 2019
Each summer, the Institute of Marine and Environmental Technology offers undergraduates the opportunity to conduct a research project in marine sciences to support increased diversity in STEM fields.

Animal Ecologist Emily Cohen joins Appalachian Laboratory faculty

August 26, 2019
Dr. Emily Cohen has joined the faculty of the University of Maryland Center for Environmental Science’s Appalachian Laboratory.

Eric Davidson named American Geophysical Union Fellow

August 16, 2019
University of Maryland Center for Environmental Science Professor Eric Davidson has been named a 2019 Fellow of the American Geophysical Union (AGU).  

Research cruise explores deep Atlantic Ocean and marine carbon cycle

August 1, 2019
A University of Maryland Center for Environmental Science research cruise leaves for the deep Atlantic Ocean 50 miles southeast of Bermuda on Monday for a week of science at sea. Scientists will be sampling the depths of the ocean and analyzing bacterial diversity and function to better understand the marine carbon cycle in the ocean.
