
Lisa Wainger appointed to California Delta Independent Science Board

October 14, 2020
CBL faculty, staff and students have a long tradition of serving the state and citizens of Maryland, and our nation, by serving in advisory capacities on expert boards, commissions and groups. Professor Lisa Wainger, an environmental economist, exemplifies this tradition and is congratulated on her appointment to the California Delta Independent Science Board.

Tamburri joins International Maritime Organization’s Working Group on Biofouling Management

October 8, 2020
When the United Nations formed a new Joint Group of Experts on the Scientific Aspects of Marine Environmental Protection, they came to a small lab on Solomons Island to recruit Professor Mario Tamburri, an international expert on the role of commercial shipping in the spread of aquatic invasive species, as a founding member.

Carys Mitchelmore Appointed to the National Academy Committee on Oil in the Sea IV

October 7, 2020
Professor Carys Mitchelmore is the latest in a number of Chesapeake Biological Laboratory faculty who have been invited serve on a prestigious National Academies consensus committee. Mitchelmore will apply her expertise in the field of environmental health and toxicology by serving on a committee that will study the inputs, fates and effects of oil in the marine environment.

New study highlights importance of U.S. coastal habitats for migrating birds

October 7, 2020
A recently published research paper, led by UMCES' Emily Cohen, combines the two components of bird migration, passage (flight) and stopover (rest), into a new metric called the stopover-to-passage ratio.

Tom Malone on understanding nutrient pollution in the world’s oceans

September 23, 2020
As a biological oceanographer, Professor Emeritus Tom Malone has focused his recent research on building the requirements for the coastal component of the Global Ocean Observing System, a global system of sustained observations in the world’s oceans to assess the health of the ocean and document the impacts of nutrient pollutions on coastal marine ecosystems, including the Chesapeake Bay.
