
Multiple mates worth the risk for female prairie dogs

December 4, 2013
Mating with more than one male increases reproductive success for female prairie dogs, despite a greater risk of predation and increased exposure to diseases and parasites. So why would a female prairie dog take the risk? The answer is simple: female prairie dogs that mate with two or more males rear more offspring than those that mate with only one.

10th Annual International Marine Biotechnology Conference

November 20, 2013
Scientists from IMET attended the 10th Annual International Marine Biotechnology Conference in Brisbane, Australia. More than 300 delegates attended the conference from more than 20 countries.

New study maps human impacts on top ocean predators along U.S. west coast

November 13, 2013
A new study reveals areas where human impacts are highest on marine predators. and that many of the high impact areas for the ocean’s top predators are already within the boundaries of five National Marine Sanctuaries along the west coast, covering nearly 15,000 square miles. This means there are good opportunities for improving management strategies.

IMET hosts LMRCSC Board of Visitors

November 12, 2013
The Board of Visitors of the Living Marine Resources Cooperative Science Center (LMRCSC) met at the Institute of Marine & Environmental Technology on November 4, 2013, for their annual meeting.

Clean Air Act has led to improved water quality in the Chesapeake Bay watershed

November 6, 2013
A study shows that the reduction of pollution emissions from power plants in the mid-Atlantic is making an impact on the quality of the water that ends up in the Chesapeake Bay.
