
Next Generation: Andy Gougherty

September 21, 2015
"Climate change is going to have a variety of effects on the environment—some changes more intuitive than others. Intra-specific variation is likely to play an important role in how a species is able to cope with climate change over the long term."

Next Generation: Wenfei Ni

September 21, 2015
"Climate change is a non-ignorable and significant fact closely bound with our daily lives."

Decreased nutrient levels are significantly improving Chesapeake Bay health

September 4, 2015
The overall health of Chesapeake Bay improved in 2014, according to scientists at the University of Maryland Center for Environmental Science, with significantly improving trends in both total nitrogen and total phosphorus in the Bay. Overall, the tidal waters of the Chesapeake scored a C (50%), which was up from the previous year’s score of 45% (also a C). The 2014 overall score of 50%, a C, is considered moderate health.

Migratory patterns of Eastern golden eagle population revealed

August 12, 2015
Eastern North America is home to a small population of Golden Eagles, but despite their vulnerability to habitat loss and other threats, little information has been available on the patterns of their annual migration. Unitl now. Researchers have been able to trace the eagles’ movements through isotopes in their feathers to identify their breeding and wintering areas.

Explore the Chesapeake Bay with science at the Horn Point Laboratory Open House, October 10

August 6, 2015
The University of Maryland Center for Environmental Science’s Horn Point Laboratory invites the public to a free Open House on Saturday, October 10, 2015, from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. Located along the banks of the Choptank River on Maryland's Eastern Shore, the laboratory is renowned for its study of marine ecosystems.
