
Next Generation: Katie Martin

February 6, 2019
Doctorate student Katie Martin is researching different ways to tell if septic wastewater is contaminating local waterways. Some of the tools used are measuring artificial sweeteners and chemicals from soaps and detergents.

'Wave of Plastic' partnership brings watershed education to Calvert and St. Mary’s students

January 29, 2019
Chesapeake Biological Laboratory has received funding from the NOAA Bay Watershed Education and Training program to support the “Wave of Plastic,” an education partnership program that will help Southern Maryland students understand the connections between actions on land, plastic pollution in local waterways and the Chesapeake Bay, and student environmental stewardship.

Oceans, human health, climate change focus of unique new $5.7 million alliance

January 17, 2019
The National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences has awarded a $5.75 million grant to establish a Center for Oceans and Human Health and Climate Change Interactions to study the effects of ocean health-related illness and the interactions from climate change. The Center will be headquartered at the University of South Carolina and involve more than 20 researchers from five colleges and universities, including the University of Maryland Center for Environmental Science.

Two new books bring together than 40 years of expertise on Chesapeake Bay

January 9, 2019
Ecologist Vic Kennedy offers baselines for abundance in Chesapeake Bay and a survey of the diamond-backed terrapin in two new books published by Johns Hopkins University Press.

Next Generation: Zoraida Perez Delgado

January 3, 2019
Master's student Zoraida Pérez Delgado has been using coral records from the Atlantic, Indian, and Pacific Ocean to understand how volcanic events have historically impacted precipitation and temperature over the last 400 years. By understanding how our climate has changed in the past, scientists hope to improve models used to predict future changes that have been accelerated by the burning of fossil fuels. .
