
Science-industry partnerships awarded for Maryland research

September 5, 2018
University of Maryland Center for Environmental Science researchers have received grants from the Maryland Industrial Partnerships (MIPS) program to support new technology product development projects in Maryland. The projects, averaging $90,000 in value, each feature a collaboration between University System of Maryland faculty members and Maryland companies. Projects are jointly funded by both MIPS and participating companies. All funding goes to the university research.

Interactive model helps stakeholders plan for Bay health goals

August 30, 2018
Researchers at the Virginia Institute of Marine Science and the University of Maryland Center for Environmental Science have developed a web-based, interactive computer model that allows stakeholders to better plan and implement their restoration efforts.

Tracking Sargassum’s ocean path could help predict coastal inundation events

August 23, 2018
In a recent study, Horn Point graduate student Maureen Brooks and her UMCES co-authors Victoria Coles and Raleigh Hood showed that you need to include both ocean physics and seaweed biology in ocean modeling to understand the patterns of Sargassum we observe.

Deep dive on remote sensing leads to prestigious award for young scientist

August 21, 2018
Using the Chesapeake Bay as a study site, student Marvin Li worked with Horn Point Laboratory faculty member Greg Silsbe to use advanced machine learning tools to develop a new algorithm for satellite remote sensing of coastal waters. He recenty won a prestigious $10,000 Davidson Fellows Scholarship for his work.

Go Fish! Campers discover the Chesapeake’s bounty with help from graduate students

August 16, 2018
UMCES Chesapeake Biological Laboratory graduate students volunteered their time this summer to help 45 children in the Greenwell Foundation Fishing Camp learn about fisheries science in the Chesapeake Bay.
