
Horn Point Laboratory student Morgan Ross recognized by Ratcliffe Environmental Entrepreneurs Fellowship (REEF) Program

April 13, 2020
The Ratcliffe Environmental Entrepreneurs Fellowship (REEF) Program was established in Fall of 2014 and is supported by the Philip E. and Carole R. Ratcliffe Foundation. Initially the program was only offered to UMCES-IMET students, but this year it was opened up for all UMCES students to apply. The program, which helps build skills that are often overlooked in the science field, recognized Horn Point Laboratory's Morgan Ross for her presentation of "Breveazy".

Fishing pressure results in faster Atlantic menhaden growth

April 9, 2020
New research suggests that large-scale environmental factors influence the size of one of the ocean's most abundant forage species, menhaden.

Impacts of Ocean Warming, Sea-Level Rise, and Coastline Management for Chesapeake Bay

April 9, 2020
The recently published work of two oceanographers at the University of Maryland Center for Environmental Science’s Horn Point Laboratory (HPL) displays how ocean warming, sea level rise, and the hardening of shorelines will lead to increased storm surges for Baltimore and other larger cities.

Lachmuth joins red spruce team at Appalachian Laboratory

April 3, 2020
Dr. Susanne Lachmuth recently joined the laboratory of Dr. Matt Fitzpatrick of the University of Maryland Center for Environmental Science (UMCES) Appalachian Laboratory as an Assistant Research Scientist.

Paper proposes framework for future study of "co-migration"

April 3, 2020
A recent paper by UMCES Appalachian Laboratory scientist Emily Cohen and co-author Dara Satterfield proposes a new framework to help researchers better understand and study communities of migrating animals.
