Katie Ross UMCES Comms


Katie Ross

Communications Coordinator
Katie Ross
Communications Coordinator
University Administration


Katie's news writing experience started in high school and carried over into college where she served as a features writer for the Georgia State University newspaper, The Signal. Over the years, she has interned, volunteered and/or worked for numerous non-profit organizations, academic institutions and government entities (big believer in public service, as well as education!), including stints in Europe and the Middle East, and over a decade of communications/public relations experience at the University of Maryland, College Park. Katie seeks to raise awareness of research being done to combat the numerous challenges human beings face around the world. As a communications coordinator for UMCES, she works to bring public relations, brand awareness, website content and social media efforts in sync for the university research network. Katie joined UMCES in 2023, becoming a member of the Staff Council in 2024.


  • B.A. English, Georgia State University
  • M.A. International Policy Studies, Monterey Institute of International Studies
  • Second B.A. Communications, University of Maryland Global Campus
  • French Language Certificate, Alliance Francaise de Paris