The Horn Point Laboratory (HPL) established the Ian Morris Scholar in Residence program in 1989 to honor the memory of the late Dr. Ian Morris, Director of the University of Maryland Center for Environmental Science (UMCES) from 1981 through 1988. Ian was born in New Tredegar, South Wales on December 7, 1938, the son of a prominent union organizer in the Welsh coal fields. He attended University College London where he received both his Bachelor of Science and Doctor of Philosophy degrees. Ian became a world leader in research on algal physiology. He authored more than 60 papers on oceanic primary production, the enzymes of photosynthesis and the nutritional physiology of marine phytoplankton. He was a pioneer in the use of 14C as a tracer for the biosynthesis of proteins, lipids and carbohydrates by phytoplankton.
Ian’s Morris contribution to the successful growth and scientific reputation of UMCES was enormous. He used his strong leadership capabilities to recruit more than a dozen outstanding scientists to join UMCES to conduct research on the Chesapeake Bay, its watershed and the oceans.
During his short seven years at Director of UMCES, research awards at UMCES more that tripled in large part because of Ian’s love of science, caring nature and ability to encourage and excite those around him. Ian was like Ed Ricketts the “Doc” of John Steinbeck’s Cannery Row. In his own personal memoir about Ricketts, Steinbeck wrote” Everyone near him was influenced by him, deeply and permanently. Some he taught to think, others how to see or hear… He taught everyone without seeming to". Ian Morris exemplified these traits.
When the Ian Morris Memorial Fund was established to benefit graduate students at HPL, we began the Ian Morris Scholar in Residence program. In consultation with the faculty, candidates are selected by the HPL graduate studen ts based on their academic record, field of research and ability to communicate and stimulate scientific excellence in others. During the week residence at HPL, the Ian Morris Scholar is asked to give scientific talks, participate in seminars and conduct a public lecture. HPL graduate students arrange the academic and social activities for the Ian Morris Scholar in Residence.
Past Ian Morris Scholars
Mark Stacey
Robert Howarth
Jim Cloern
Craig Carlson
Rocky Geyer
James J. McCarthy
Nancy Rabalais
Hans Paerl
Mimi Koehl
Carlos Duarte
Bruce Robison
David Karl
Charlie Yentsch