What is the Graduate Student Council
The Graduate Student Council is the shared governance body for students at the University of Maryland Center for Environmental Science that is comprised of 8 elected members, 2 members from each of the UMCES units (Appalachian Laboratory, Chesapeake Biological Laboratory, Horn Point Laboratory, Institute of Marine and Environmental Technology). We are the liaisons between students, faculty, the Vice President for Education (VPE) Office, and the MEES Program Office. On this webpage you can find general information and documents related to this council, including the handbook below. Additional student information can be found on the UMCES website at UMCES General Information. More information about the VPE office, our main point of contact with Administration can be found here UMCES Graduate Programs.
The GSC handbook describes the main roles and responsibilities of council and the individual lab representatives, including what other councils have student representation and the Communications Structure document details ways to contact the council.
GSC Membership and Contacts

If there are questions for the full council you can reach all of the members plus Amy Griffin by using gsc@umces.edu
GSC Leadership
Isabel Sanchez (CBL), Chair
Abdulmajid Alrefaie (IMET), Co-chair
Anna Windle (HPL), Past chair
Lab Representatives
Appalachian Laboratory
Grace Avalos
Grace O'Hare
Chesapeake Biological Laboratory
Isabel Sanchez- Viruet
Anna Hildebrand
Horn Point Laboratory
Chelsea Fowler
Ben Malmgren
Institute of Marine and Environmental Technology
Abdulmajid Alrefaie
Administrative Member
Amy Griffin, Assistant to the Vice President for Education
GSC Policies and Bylaws
UMCES Policy (III-7.11.VI.B) describes the Graduate Student Council (GSC), an organization representing UMCES graduate students, and including two representatives from each Laboratory Unit. The GSC meets on a regular basis, including an annual meeting with the Vice President for Education.
Graduate assistants in the University System of Maryland, including UMCES, have the right to engage labor representation under the Meet and Confer guidelines: M-C Principles and Guidelines and M-C Facts. UMCES graduate students have elected to not engage labor representation at this time.
Currently, the UMCES GSC meets with the Vice President for Education, Vice President for Administration, the head of HR, and the Assistant to the Vice President for Education on a yearly basis in June to hold our annual Meet and Confer meeting. This was reinstated in 2019 and meeting minutes from past years can be found below.
July 2022 GSC Meeting Minutes
May 2022 GSC Meeting Minutes
June 2022 GSC Meeting Minutes
January 2022 GSC Meeting Minutes
December 2021 GSC Meeting Minutes
September 2021 GSC Meeting Minutes
June 2021 GSC Meeting Minutes
April 2021 GSC Meeting Minutes
January 2021 GSC Meeting Minutes
November 2020 GSC Meeting Minutes
August 2020 GSC Meeting Minutes
2022 M-C Meeting Minutes
2021 M-C Meeting Minutes
2020 M-C Meeting Minutes
2019 M-C Meeting Minutes
2013 M-C Meeting Minutes