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Lawrence Sanford

Vice President for Education and Professor
University Administration
Horn Point Laboratory
Estuarine and coastal physical oceanography, fine sediment transport, boundary layers and turbulence, interdisciplinary processes in shallow water
Coastal Science ~ 1301C

Greg Silsbe

Assistant Research Professor
Horn Point Laboratory
Phytoplankton physiology, bio-optical instrumentation and remote-sensing, tropical limnology
Coastal Science ~ 1201C

Lorena Silva

Assistant Research Scientist
Horn Point Laboratory
Limnology Water Quality Plankton Ecology Ecosystem Ecology Greenhouse gas flux Eutrophication, Biological Invasion, Land-use change, Wildfire
Coastal - 1211C

Lorie Staver

Associate Research Professor
Horn Point Laboratory
Environmental science, wetland ecology, restoration ecology
Morris - 145

Court Stevenson

Professor Emeritus
Horn Point Laboratory
Ecology of marsh and seagrass systems, including nitrogen cycling and productivity mechanisms; effect of sea-level rise on coastal ecosystems
AREL ~ 136

Diane Stoecker

Professor Emeritus
Horn Point Laboratory
Biological oceanography and plankton ecology, microzooplankton, mixotrophy (alternate modes of nutrition) in plankton
AREL ~ 226