The Coastlines and People Research Coordinated Network (CoPe) brings together oceanographers, engineers, ecologists, and social scientists to discuss major open questions in the interdisciplinary science of coastal resiliency: the impact of storms, sea-level rise, and climate change on estuaries and bays and the use of coastline management strategies such as engineered structures and natural/nature-based systems to protect coastal infrastructure and communities.
Funded by the National Science Foundation, the network aims to gather insights from existing coastal resiliency projects around the country, including Chesapeake Bay, Hudson River and New York Harbor, Massachusetts Bay and San Francisco Bay, and propose bold new strategies that integrate ecosystem enhancement and recovery to protect coastal communities and infrastructure.
Through engagement with stakeholders in federal, state, and local governments; not-for-profit organizations; and coastal communities, the goal is to address pressing concerns faced by urban and rural communities living around the nation's estuaries and translate research results into specific recommendations for developing coastal resiliency solutions.
The coalition brings together scientists from institutions across the country, including: University of Maryland Center for Environmental Science; University of Maryland, College Park University of California, Berkeley; University of California, Davis; Stevens Institute of Technology; Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution; University of Massachusetts, Dartmouth; and California Polytechnic University, San Luis Obispo
Steering Committee: Ming Li, Mark Stacey, Mark Lubell, Allison Reilly, Philip Orton, Changsheng Chen, Dave Ralston, Michael Paolisso, Stefan Talke, Cindy Palinkas, William Nardin.