Appalachian Laboratory Visiting Scholar Seminar Series
Seminars are held on Fridays at 11am in Room 109 of the UMCES Appalachian Laboratory unless otherwise specified. All sessions are open to the public, but please note that these are scientific talks intended for scientific audiences. For more information on our public events intended for general audiences please visit our Watershed Moments Community Learning Series website.
Current Schedule: Spring 2025
Friday, February 21- Dr. Camille Thomas-Bulle, University of Montana (Host: Dr. Joely DeSimone)
Friday, March 14- Dr. Bilgecan Sen, UMCES-AL (Host: Dr. Matt Fitzpatrick)
Friday, March 28- Dr. Joaquin Martinez Martinez, UMCES-HPL (Host: Dr. David Nelson)
Friday, April 11- Dr. Donald Boesch, UMCES President Emeritus
Friday, April 25- Dr. Yujing Gao, UMCES-AL (Host: Dr. Xin Zhang)
Friday, May 2- Dr. Magdalene Ngeve, UMCES-HPL (Host: Dr. David Nelson)
Friday, May 16- Dr. Anthony Campbell, University of MD Baltimore (Hosts: Dr. Matt Fitzpatrick and Dr. Xin Chen)
Past Virtual Seminars
Visit our Past Virtual Seminars page to find recordings of virtual seminars from 2020 to 2022.
Past In-Person Seminars
Information on past in-person seminars can be found on the past seminars page.