Switch to Alternatives
REDUCE: There are lots of ways to cut down on plastic use in your daily life. One of the easiest is to refuse, or just say “no,” when you are offered a plastic product. For example, preemptively tell the restaurant that you do not want a straw in your drink. Or, when getting takeout, ask to have it without a plastic bag and without plastic utensils. Finally, you can substitute plastic with more reusable or biodegradable materials, such as cloth grocery bags, mason jars for food storage, and a reusable mug or bottle for your drinks.
REUSE: Another solution is to reuse your plastics. For example, plastic grocery bags can be used for everything from DIY crafts to substitute trash bags. Plastic yogurt and other containers can be washed and used as Tupperware. Little changes make a big difference!
RECYCLE: Don’t forget to look up how to recycle correctly in your local community (for Calvert County, go to http://www.co.cal.md.us/residents/waste/recycling/; for St. Mary’s County, go to http://www.co.saint-marys.md.us/dpw/recycleprogramslist.asp; for DC residents, check out https://zerowaste.dc.gov/). Regular plastic and paper alternatives such as cardboard, need to be recycled, but biodegradable and plant-based bioplastic alternatives need to be separated from other recyclable materials and brought to an industrial composting facility. If you don’t have a composting service locally, start a community petition for one or sign up with a private composting service (check out https://compostnow.org/). For other counties in Maryland, check out recycling opportunities at https://www.mdrecycles.org/.
Get Involved in Your Community
Start a plastic pollution revolution in your neighborhood!
COMMUNITY CLEANUPS: Organize or participate in a trash cleanup in your neighborhood! Then, make the leap and expand to other areas, such as local parks, beaches, and waterways.
- Local beach cleanups:
COMMUNICATE PROPER RECYCLING AND COMPOSTING: Many people do not recycle things that can be recycled, or improperly follow their local recycling guidelines. Find out what products can be recycled and composted in your neighborhood with a quick Google search and share what you have learned with your friends.
Get help from an App
Check out these Apps that can help you reduce your plastic footprint on the environment, help your health, and save you money!
OroEco ~ A fun, easy, and rewarding way for everyone to help solve climate change!
Zero Waste ~ Meet your new Travel Companion to find the resources you need for your Zero Waste Lifestyle.
Good Guide ~ Search for healthier products.
My Little Plastic Footprint ~ Ways to reduce your plastic footprint.
Further information
Want to learn more about plastic, its impact on the environment, and what you can do to help? Check out these websites!
Maryland Department of Natural Resources, Marine Debris program
Audubon-Ways to Reduce Your Plastic Waste
SurfRider- Ocean Friendly Restaurants
Precious Plastic- Tools for Easy Plastic Recycling
Plastic Oceans - Documentary on the impacts of plastic in the ocean
City Lab- The Chesapeake Bay Is Turning Into Plastic Soup
National Geographic- Ocean Life Eats Tons of Plastic, Here’s Why It Matters