
Understanding why dolphins visit the Chesapeake Bay

Report your dolphin sightings 

Join 14,600 DolphinWatchers in and around Chesapeake Bay by signing up and logging into the app via iPhoneAndroid, or the ChesapeakeDolphinWatch website. View the locations of recent and past dolphin sightings on a map, as well as images DolphinWatchers have submitted. By tracking the occurrence of dolphins and their movements, we’ll gain a better understanding of how bottlenose dolphins use the Bay and how to protect them in our local waters.

How to use the Chesapeake DolphinWatch app

This tutorial video will guide you through the features of our app to view and report dolphins sightings, and learn more about dolphins in the Chesapeake Bay.

Learn more about Chesapeake DolphinWatch

Fifth anniversary Chesapeake DolphinWatch book

As a thank you to DolphinWatchers and a celebration of what we have learned about dolphins in the Chesapeake Bay from sighting reports, we created a Chesapeake DolphinWatch - Dolphins of the Chesapeake Bay photo book. We do not receive any commission from the sale of the book, but all donations go towards our dolphin research and providing copies of the book to schools and public libraries around the Chesapeake Bay.


Thank you for your support!

Your generous donation can help us learn more about dolphins in the Chesapeake Bay by covering costs to maintain the dolphin sightings app and database, allowing us to to make upgrades to the app to help your experience in this volunteer science project. 

This is a program of the University System of Maryland Foundation. All gifts are tax-deductible to the extent of the law. No goods or services were exchanged for contributions made.