Partnership of Guanabara Bay and Chesapeake Bay
Both Guanabara Bay in the State of Rio de Janeiro and the Chesapeake Bay in Maryland have opportunities to restore their watershed and water quality health. The Chesapeake Bay provides an example and a point of reference for information exchange between the State of Maryland and the State of Rio on how to effectively protect their bays. The State of Maryland has actively engaged multiple federal, state, and local governments, NGOs, the private sector, and citizens over the last 30 years in restoring the Chesapeake Bay Watershed. The Chesapeake Bay Study Tour is a part of the ongoing partnership between the State of Rio de Janeiro and the State of Maryland, facilitated by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) to develop a governance structure and integrated watershed management program for promoting the clean-up of the Guanabara Bay. The goal of this partnership is to promote opportunities for sustainable urban development in the communities surrounding the Guanabara Bay that achieves economic, social and environmental benefits. The relationship between the Chesapeake Bay and the Guanabara Bay provides both the United States and Brazil the opportunity to learn and ensure its environmental future is protected and sustainable.

Meetings of the Guanabara Bay and Chesapeake Bay
Workshop in Baltimore, Maryland - July 2013
Workshop in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil - July 2014