Ammar Hanif, advised by Dr. Eric Schott and co-advised by Dr. Rose Jagus, presented the results of his master's research to the Institute of Marine and Environmental Technology on November 16, 2012, and successfully defended his work a few days later.
The title of his thesis is "Development, validation, and application of a quantitative polymerase chain reaction assay to assess environmental samples for determining Hematodinium perezei prevalence" and was supported by the NOAA-EPP funded Living Marine Resources Cooperative Science Center (LMRCSC).
Recently, Hanif has been awarded a two-year graduate fellowship by Maryland SeaGrant titled "Diet and feeding of menhaden using barcoding identification based on cox1 sequences to enable the linking of primary productivity to fisheries." The work will be part of a collaboration between Dr. Allen Place at the Institute of Marine and Environmental Technology and Dr. Dave Secor of the Chesapeake Biological Laboratory, and will be funded in part by seed funding from the LMRCSC.